Skin Tags On Penis

Skin tags on the penis is classified as a genital skin tag. What these skin tags or skin growths will pose is discontentment in having them around the genitalia a factor compounded by sexual displeasure too. Skin tags are painless growths of skin that are said to be as a result of skin rubbing against skin. This fact will thus be given strength when the skin tags appear on the penis. Sexual activity does constitute the rubbing of skin against skin. However, having a skin tag on the penis should not be considered to be as a sexual transmitted disease.

Having these growths on the skin is not unheard of. The skin tags will appear and when they do one should first of all confirm that he has a skin tag condition with evidence of the conditions being in other parts of the body. This will ease one from concluding it to be a STD or STI condition. Just like a skin tag on any other part of the body, the skin tag on penis will grow substantially but not into such huge growths.  They may be as a result of a lot of friction from the inner wear one has. Skin tags on the penis may also be a result of using poor quality condoms during sex.

Once the skin tags appear one is advised to limit on causing the tags to have a lot of friction. This goes to say that one is to limit or withhold from any intercourse until the skin tags are removed. Any friction on the growths will lead to irritations and at times a subsequent swelling and slight bleeding of the tags. If the skin tags on the penis are small or have little or no irritations and one indulges in sex, one is advised to clean the penis immediately after sex. This helps to reduce any chances of worsening the condition.

In case the skin tags are very sensitive then one should seek medical attention from a well-qualified skin doctor. The doctor will do checks and give a full diagnosis of the condition. In offering medical options of skin tag removal, settling for a procedure that will be less painful and that will leave good skin texture on the penis is the best. Surgical laser method or the freezing of the tags using liquid nitrogen will give a smooth skin texture once the skin tags are removed from the penis.

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